Exodust Improved

Protect your profits- for no fly breeding farm

An effective solution for “No Fly Breeding Farm” & Control of Wet Litter in your Poultry

1. In a typical breeder farm, the root issue is with wet litter, as this attracts flies, leading to diseases in the birds, resulting into more wet litter.
2. Exodust Improved keeps the gut healthy to reduce loose droppings and makes the litter unfavourable for flies to breed, further, prevents the larvae from feeding on the litter.
3. The resultant benefit is a better productivity at the farm and bird’s overall health.
4. Flies breed freely in wet litter, and the urgent need is to have a dry litter to avoid the fly menace, for experienced, well managed breeder farm.
5. While typical remedies focus on chemical treatments, which are not a sustainable practice.
6. We provide you with the right program for preventive & control measures with Integrated Fly Management that helps you in creating unfavorable conditions for flies to multiply.
7. Make your dream of living with a No Fly Breeding Farm” a reality by using Exodust Improved’
Make Litter Prevents unfavourable Larvae from for Flies feeding on the to Breed litter


  1. Gut health protecting ingredients that check the loose droppings
  2. Specialised hydrated silica which prevents the fly breeding in the litter
  3. Antifeedants present in Exodust Improved deter larvae from eating the litter.

Feeding recommendation: 1 -2 Kgs per tonne of feed.

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