Fly Management in Poultry and Dairy
The Challenge
The Solution
Integrated Fly Management Program [ IFMP ]
with Flyex [ Litter conditioner ] & Exodust [ Feed additives ]
cultural control methods
Mechanical and physical control
Day Turnaround
Amazing Result
Poultry Site Boosted Sales By 50%
Cultural control methods
In order to gain long term control, it is desirable to use cultural and physical methods at initial stages, followed by biological methods. However, many farmers tend to use chemical methods in the beginning, thus aggravating fly menace. So, it is desirable to use cultural, physical, mechanical, biological and chemicals methods of control according to their order of preference as shown in the fly management pyramid.
Among cultural control methods, moisture control is of prime importance.
Mechanical and physical control methods
Mechanical and physical control methods involve collecting of eggs, pupae, incinerating with flame throwers, use of UV traps, pheromone traps, spraying diesel or turpentine on litter or applying limestone powder on the litter.
IFMP approaches
IFMP approaches the problem of flies with a holistic approach and offers a sustainable solution that continues to be effective year after year…
IFMP is a combination of preventive and curative measures taken in right proportion. This is very important since indiscriminate use of harmful insecticide cannot be a solution for containing flies.
The most important preventive measure lies in keeping the farm neat and clean it is essential to check for leakages and repair the same at regular intervals.

- Sanitation and moisture management 80%
- Traps Exodust and Flyex 50%
- Conversion Rate 75%
- IFMP approach 100%