The "natural" toxin in your "natural" food. KNOW IT, AVOID IT
Mycotoxins are omnipresent in high moisture feed ingredients and their magnitude of toxicity depends on their type and concentration. They have considerable pharmacological effects even at a very low concentration (ppb) and toxicity may be further enhanced by subsequent metabolism in vivo particularly by the liver. Any production problems that you cannot explain are mostly related to mycotoxins.
Impact of MycotoxinS
Direct health challenges (mycotoxicosis, reduced immune response)
Reduced feed intake
Reduced nutrient absorption (excretion of lipids)
Reproduction problems (loss in fertility, hatchability)
Residues in meat / egg
There is no safe level of mycotoxins, however, permissible levels in poultry feeds are decided on basis of economic impact of a given level of contamination.
Reduced feed intake
Reduced nutrient absorption (excretion of lipids)
Reproduction problems (loss in fertility, hatchability)
Residues in meat / egg
There is no safe level of mycotoxins, however, permissible levels in poultry feeds are decided on basis of economic impact of a given level of contamination.
A unique combination of high grade mycotoxin adsorbents, mould inhibitors and anti-fungal elements along with lipotropic agents makes Exosorb Biotech a very effective binder for high levels of toxins and where the nature of toxin is unknown or its presence uncertain.
Apart from the general claims of all common toxin binders, Exosorb Biotech offers following exclusive features. Rapid Detoxification — Mycotoxins must be reduced within 30 minutes of digesta being solubilized.
Multiple toxin binding — Binds wide range of mycotoxins without impairing nutrient bioavailability.
Low inclusion rate yet easy to mix uniformly
Combats secondary effects of mycotoxins — Aflatoxins decrease ability to metabolize fat, protein and starch. The fatty infiltration of liver due to aflatoxins is also prevented due to lipotropic agents present in Exosorb Biotech.
Mould Inhibition – Buffered organic acids and elemental copper in Exosorb Biotech enhances pre-feeding effectiveness by controlling major mycotoxin producing fungi in the feeds.
No affinity for vitamins, minerals, etc. No dilution or destruction of nutrients.
Apart from the general claims of all common toxin binders, Exosorb Biotech offers following exclusive features. Rapid Detoxification — Mycotoxins must be reduced within 30 minutes of digesta being solubilized.
Multiple toxin binding — Binds wide range of mycotoxins without impairing nutrient bioavailability.
Low inclusion rate yet easy to mix uniformly
Combats secondary effects of mycotoxins — Aflatoxins decrease ability to metabolize fat, protein and starch. The fatty infiltration of liver due to aflatoxins is also prevented due to lipotropic agents present in Exosorb Biotech.
Mould Inhibition – Buffered organic acids and elemental copper in Exosorb Biotech enhances pre-feeding effectiveness by controlling major mycotoxin producing fungi in the feeds.
No affinity for vitamins, minerals, etc. No dilution or destruction of nutrients.