NUCLEO – R, a revolutionary product for antibiotic free animal production

exotic-birdNucleo – R is a commercial blend of RNA nucleotides derived from yeasts. The proportions of nucleotides in the product have been adjusted to appropriate levels to suit the current requirements of the Indian poultry. It has been designed for maximizing the immuno-competence of birds and to help formulate antibiotic – free feeds.

Benefits of Feeding
Increased resistance to challenge bacterial and viral infections
Acceleration of antibody production
Reversal of malnutrition-induced immunosuppressant
Faster recovery of the liver after injury
Positive effects on the intestine
Intestinal repair after diarrhea
Positive effects of recovery from stress
Improves egg production, egg fertility and hatchability in breeder birds


  • Reduces stress
  • Enhances immunity
  • Improves reproductive output
  • Increases growth
  • Reduces mortality
  • Enhances profit
Stimulates brush border disaccharides.Provides anti-adhesive effect against pathogens.Stimulates immunity, has antagonistic action against pathogens.

Its cellwall is highly effective broad spectrum toxin binder.

Has antioxidant properties (removes free radicals from the body).

Ameliorates heat stress (maintains production).

Digestive stimulation by secretion of nutricines.

Balances gut microflora.

Keeps gut healthy for maximum absorption of nutrients.

Checks mortality, morbidity.

Enhances production and profitability.

In cows and buffaloes increases the milk yield by 500 ml to 1 litre / dayIncreases butter fat yield.Improves fibre digestion to get maximum production of VFA’s

Increases the supply of microbial protein to duodenum

In normal course provides more amino acids to the animal.

Due to extra amino acids the cost of bypass protein is saved.

Less lactic acid and less methane is produced.

Better for ruminal health

        • Improves feed conversion ratio for higher profitability.
        • Builds up immunity against major pathogens.
        • Reduces stress and thus mortality.
        • Increases the length and weight of prawn.
        • Poultry-All the age group of poultry: 250 – 500 g / tonne of feed.








        • Livestock        For Feed: 250 – 500 g / tonne of feed.Individual FeedingLarge Animal: 5 -10 g / daySmall Animal: 2 – 3 g / day








        • Aqauculture-250 – 500 g / tonne of feed.

17 kg plastic buckets.


Supplementation for Challenges Wherever , Whenever


Why nucleotides and why now?

Under intensive farming conditions, stress is a permanent factor associated with poultry and always poses a threat to the bird health. Stress suppresses the primary defence against pathogens and increases susceptibility to bacterial, viral or parasitic infections. The bird’s natural drive to cope effectively with health challenges for its survival reduces performance and productivity. This leads to significant financial losses for the poultry farmer. Because of their role in supporting and enhancing immunity, dietary nucleotides are the best alternative to trigger high performance.Though relatively new to the poultry feed sector, due to recent advances in feed supplementation, we now have a better understanding of what nucleotides can do for the poultry. Moreover, in this competitive feed market, we need more options to meet the

changing demands of the poultry farmer especially for promising alternatives. Nucleotides fit excellently with today’s industry and regulatory environment.

What is the scientific basis of nucleotides and what do they mean for poultry?

Most of the cells of the body are capable of producing sufficient nucleotides to maintain a satisfactory supply to the organism for normal metabolic activities and life. However, during times of extraordinary stress, such as rapid growth, reproduction, environmental change, combating disease and recovery from injury, a very high amount of additional nucleotides must be readily available for cell proliferation. This requires time and energy and stresses the body’s supply of basic raw materials to produce more nucleotides thereby reducing performance. Hence the external supply of nucleotides is of utmost importance and supplementing them in a diet has immense measurable benefits. In poultry, the Nucleo-R incorporated feed may ameliorate disease resistance, accelerate immune responses, reduce mortality during stressful periods, reduce parasite infestations, improve reproductive output, improve feed conversion and increase growth.

What do they offer that is unique?

Nucleotides may be provided as a normal component of the diet which, in the absence of stress or disease, is metabolized in non-disease related pathways, with beneficial rather than detrimental effects. However, in the presence of disease they are readily, incorporated into the immune response pathways with proven, advantageous effects. On the contrary, the use of immunostimulation as a routine procedure is expensive and may also be occasionally detrimental at times in absence of an external stimulus such as disease.

How are they absorbed and utilized?

The majority of nucleotides are broken down to nucleosides before being absorbed. This process takes place in small intestine where they are enzymatically hydrolyzed. Since nucleotides have a high negatively charged phosphate group that hinders absorption, the nucleoside form is the major vehicle for entry of purines and pyrimidines into the epithelial cells. Moreover, under physiological conditions, nucleotides have a limited capacity to pass through the cell membrane. Once the partial metabolic products of nucleosides are released into systemic circulation, they are re-utilized for nucleotide production. Nevertheless, the reassembly of nucleotides in the intestinal tract requires less time and energy compared with de novo synthesis.

Can they be stored in the body?

Nucleotide metabolism is characterized by constant synthesis and catabolism. Various studies have indicated that about 2 to 5% of dietary nucleotides are retained in the small intestine, liver and skeletal muscle tissue pools. Hence, the nucleotide supplementation has to be throughout the production cycle to protect against any negative impact.

Can they be incorporated in pelleted feeds?

Nucleotides are biological active molecules that are quite stable even during pelletization or extrusion of feed. They can endure temperatures of up to 140 – 160 degrees for a short period of time (5 minutes or so). They can also withstand autoclaving temperatures and pressure with no change in the nucleotide content or composition.

How much is needed to get the best results?

Since nucleotides vary in their degree of purity depending upon their extent of processing, a rich formulation like Nucleo – R which is tailored to meet the specific needs of target species is very essential. Hence, it is not about the concentration, but about all the purified components in the formulation adjusted according to the preferred ratio. A dose of 250 g per tonne of feed throughout the growth cycle gives best desired results.

How does it enhance vaccine performance?

Increase in the performance of a vaccine may occur at different parts of the immune on-set process after nucleotide supplementation. They improve recognition of antigen and increase humoral antibody response and cytokine production. These measures translate into superior protection of the nucleotide treated individuals against the challenge for several calendar days post vaccination.

Can it replace the AGP’s in feed?

The basic role of AGP’s is to establish an effective defence against pathogens. They are administered in low doses to the target species that do not have bacterial infection but are at risk of developing it. Such sub-therapeutic doses are given for a specific duration or until the presence of risk. The supplementation of nucleotides also generates a similar immune response by accelerating the activation and production of specialized cells. This mode of action offers greater resistance and therefore better survival rates in the face of disease under experimental and field conditions. Moreover, a strong immune response generated by nucleotides responds equally to stress factors, such as injuries, environmental changes, physical exertion, growth etc. which the AGP’s are not capable of. Though it is quite difficult to predict the future development of the feed industry, the nucleotide supplementation will certainly become more important to ensure the demand of consumers for high quality, safe and clean products.


Addition of nucleotides reduces the time for proper development of intestinal villi structure. For instance, the development of villi in broiler chicks, which normally takes two weeks, is completed in just ten days.

A study was also performed on layer birds, challenging them with New Castle’s disease virus. The birds fed with commercial preparations of nucleotides before and during the challenge with virus had much higher survival rate compared to those fed with normal poultry feed.

Nucleotide supplementation in the diet of broiler breeders improved egg production (1.6%), egg fertility (1.7%), hatchability of incubated eggs (4.1%) and hatchability of fertile eggs (2.3%). In summary, this study demonstrated that supplementation of nucleotides to broiler breeders increases the number of live chicks by 6% and appears to have a positive carryover effect on their progeny performance for both body weight gain and feed conversion.

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